Divorce occurs anywhere and to anyone, including you even if you live in the suburbs of Chatanooga, Hamilton County or East Ridge Tennessee. Up to 50% of marriages end in divorce currently in the United States alone, so it is important to understand the process in and...
Year: 2020
How do I change a child support order?
Tennessee parents will sometimes find it necessary to modify a child support order. A child support modification happens when an alternative residential parent (ARP) retains the obligations to pay support to the primary residential parent. The thing that changes is...
Can child support be enforced out of state?
Some people in Tennessee will go to great lengths to avoid paying child support. Sometimes they move to a new city, hoping their former spouse won't bother pursuing them. Other times, they go as far as to move to an entirely new state. Many people mistakenly believe...
Is it possible to have an easy divorce?
It's a myth that all divorces in Tennessee have to end with a year-long legal battle. If you and your former spouse are willing to work together, you can have an amicable divorce that doesn't even need to go to court. It might seem impossible, but with the help of a...
Dispelling myths about divorce
Although divorce is very common, many people in Tennessee are misinformed about it. There are a lot of persistent myths about divorce in American culture. Generally, they revolve around serious matters surrounding children, finances and interpersonal skills....
Should you hire a financial planner during your divorce?
Getting divorced in Tennessee is more than an emotional strain. It's also a massive strain on your assets and finances. And if you're not used to managing your own finances, you might have no idea how to negotiate for assets in a divorce. Here's why you might want to...
Navigating divorce during retirement
Going through a divorce during any stage of life can be a financially and emotionally difficult time. However, there is an additional level of complexity for those experiencing the divorce process during or near retirement years. Often referred to as a "grey divorce,"...
Questions that are often asked during child custody hearings
During a child custody hearing in Tennessee, a judge will ask the parents questions to determine the best outcome for the child. While most judges would prefer to award joint custody to both parents, they might take a different approach if they hear convincing...
How you can develop an amicable parenting schedule after divorce
Even the friendliest divorces in Tennessee upset the lives of everyone one involved. The parents need to establish new routines while the kids need to get used to living with one parent at a time. Making this transition as smooth as possible will benefit the entire...
Reasons women seek divorce more often than men
Some people in Tennessee would agree that women often take the lead as far as a desire to get married and start a family. However, these people may be surprised to learn that it is also often women who are the first to decide it is time to end a marriage. One reason...