Divorce can have countless implications on your personal life. You will have to adjust to life as a single person (and parent if you have children). On top of that, the divorce process generally involves settling several aspects of your financial life. Property and...
Year: 2021
Dealing with custody order violations
Suppose you have a custody agreement issued by the court that grants you visitation rights to spend time with your children. However, your spouse is not too pleased with that arrangement, probably owing to your differences, and they end up taking actions that prevent...
3 reasons mediation is useful for parents who will share custody
Couples with disagreements about various divorce issues may choose mediation rather than litigation. Mediation gives former spouses an opportunity to negotiate with one another and find a way to compromise. Mediation can be a particularly valuable tool for those who...
Do I have to agree to joint custody?
When you divorce, you will need to come up with custody arrangements for your children. Many people understand that it’s better if they have both parents in their lives, but that isn’t always what’s in their best interests. For example, if there is a history of abuse...
How to co-parent during the holidays
The holidays can be a difficult time for newly divorced parents. Finding a way to co-parent with your ex-spouse to spend time with your kids can be difficult, but it is possible, and it is necessary. Fighting with your ex can be harmful for your kids, especially...
Dealing with your first holidays without your kids
When you and your co-parent worked out your custody schedule, splitting the end-of-year holidays seemed fair. One of you has the kids for Thanksgiving and the other for Christmas. Or maybe you’re alternating years where one of you has them for both holidays. Now that...
Will your ex lie to get a protective order?
If you and your partner are splitting up, you’re likely not on the best of terms. If you have a child together, you may be worried about access to your child after the relationship ends. For instance, maybe you believe your ex is willing to lie about abuse or domestic...
Can forensic accounting benefit your Tennessee divorce?
Having wealth or high-value assets can ensure that you have a secure financial future. At the same time, it can cause many problems when you are seeking a divorce in Tennessee. A unique aspect of divorcing with wealth is the deep fear it inspires in both spouses. Each...
3 tips for trying to prevent a contentious divorce
Pursuing a divorce is a major decision that can have life-altering consequences. Factors such as the division of assets and debts, as well as child support and custody can be highly contentious. Even in a more amicable divorce, stress levels may become elevated. As a...
Can you get custody if the other parent is a flight risk?
If you have gone through a divorce and had a difficult custody battle, one of the things you may be concerned about is parental kidnapping. Parents generally commit a child abduction in situations where they're angry or upset with their co-parent or disagree with the...