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How can I help my child through our divorce?

On Behalf of | Oct 1, 2019 | Family Law |

It is no big secret that divorce is a difficult process, not only for the adults going through it but for the kids, as well. Thousands of children in Tennessee are going through divorces right now, and each one is going to take away their own experience from it. If you are thinking about divorce (or going through one), you likely have the welfare of your children on your mind. According to the Mayo Clinic, one of the most important things to do is to keep your child out of the fight. 

If you are fortunate, this will not be a concern to begin with since your divorce will not be acrimonious. However, sometimes a “pleasant divorce” is little more than a distant fantasy. It is natural to harbor negative feelings about your ex-spouse, but your ex-spouse is still your child’s other parent. Not only does your child likely have positive feelings toward your other parent, having a mutual culture of “no badmouthing” is going to go a long way toward building a productive co-parenting schedule. Particularly if your future involves joint  custody, it is very important to start building a solid foundation for that new relationship.  Even if you and your ex-spouse have lost all semblance of a positive relationship, you will still retain a connection of sorts through the child.  

Additionally, pursuing counseling for you child may be a good avenue if the child is old enough, particularly if you are worried that he or she will deal with the divorce badly. Having a neutral outlet to help your child can do a lot of good.  
