When the divorce process causes a sleep disorder

On Behalf of | Nov 5, 2019 | Family Law |

People struggle with sleeping properly for many reasons, from health issues to problems that are present in the workplace. However, in some instances, a sleep disorder may be brought on by the divorce process, especially when someone is worried about the potential outcome of a custody dispute or a financial issue that causes a great deal of anxiety. From insomnia to hypersomnia (sleeping too frequently or at inappropriate times), these sleep disorders can cause many other aspects of one’s life to unravel and can even jeopardize their ability to secure favorable outcomes with regard to their divorce.

When one’s ability to raise their children is on the line, or when someone is very concerned about losing certain assets due to the distribution of marital property, it is no surprise when getting the right amount of sleep becomes very difficult. People may toss and turn over these critical family law issues, and these sleep disorders can linger for many months. Some people may even develop chronic sleep disorders that were brought on by a difficult divorce.

Addressing sleep disorders properly is very important, and so is handling one’s divorce correctly. By taking the right steps to work through a divorce efficiently, some people are able to sleep better thanks to higher levels of confidence and fewer concerns about their future. Moreover, a more favorable outcome in divorce court could help with sleep and many other facets of one’s life in the months and years following a divorce. If you are having trouble sleeping because of your divorce, it may be helpful to spend some time reviewing your legal options.